The merchant site POUDREORGANIC.FR is operated by the company Poudre Organic SAS with a capital of 290,000.00 €, having its headquarters in AVALLON (6 bis rue Bocquillot) and registered in the register of commerce and companies of Auxerre under the number: 801 842 899 (VAT identification number FR 04 801842899)

Scope of application

The general conditions of sale detailed below (hereinafter, the "GTC") apply to all orders placed by non-professional buyers (hereinafter, the "Customer" or "Customers") with the company Poudre Organic for all items and services offered on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR. The GTC are systematically proposed at the time of ordering and must necessarily be accepted for the sale to be concluded.

Therefore, the fact of placing an order, implies the full and unconditional acceptance of the client to these conditions.

The client declares to have the capacity to contract: that is to say, to be of age or emancipated minor and not to be the subject of a protective measure.

Poudre Organic sarl reserves the right to modify at any time the GTC. However, the version of the general conditions of sale applicable to the order placed by a customer on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR are those accepted by the customer at the time of placing the order, whether the order was placed by internet or by phone.


  • Entirety of the conditions
  • Object
  • Information on the products
  • Order
  • Transfer of ownership and risk
  • Delivery
  • Right of withdrawal, return and exchange
  • Guarantees
  • Personal data
  • Intellectual property
  • Applicable law and dispute

Entirety of the conditions

A change in legislation, regulations or a court decision rendering one or more clauses of these general terms and conditions of sale null and void shall not affect the validity of the other clauses of the GTC.
Such a change or finding could not therefore in any way allow the customer to withdraw from the GTC.
The contractual relationship between the company Poudre Organic and its customers is governed by the accepted GTC and by the provisions of French law and by the practices in force in the distance selling sector whose companies are based in France.


The purpose of the GTC is to define the rights and obligations of Poudre Organic and its customers in the context of the online sale of goods and services offered by the company Poudre Organic to the customer. The GTCs govern all aspects of this activity, from ordering to delivery, through payment and use of services provided byPOUDREORGANIC.FR.

Information on the products

1. Characteristics of the products

The information, characteristics, photographs and graphics presented on the sites or in the emails sent by POUDREORGANIC.FR are given only as an indication and are for the most part given by the suppliers. In particular, the difference in perception of shapes and colors between the photographs or graphics presented and the products can not engage the responsibility of the company Poudre Organic. The products are presented in photographs sometimes with other products. The description will mention what is or is not part of the product.

2. Availability of products

Poudre Organic undertakes to honor orders received only within the limits of available stocks of products or within the limits of available stocks from its suppliers. If the product is not available, Poudre Organic will inform the Customer as soon as possible.
Availability may vary in a day depending on the level of sales. Poudre Organic updates very frequently the availability, which are given only as an indication, on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR, and can not engage the responsibility of Poudre Organic. More precise information can be given to the Customer by phone and email.

Poudre Organic also reserves the right to modify the range of products depending on the constraints imposed by its suppliers.

3 : Prices

The prices are indicated in Euros, all taxes included, and are applicable only on the date of the order validation by the Customer.

The prices of the suppliers of POUDREORGANIC.FR being in constant evolution, the prices posted on the site are likely to be modified at any time.

The prices indicated for each article do not take into account, in particular, the delivery charges, the gift wrapping charges, possible promotional offers and personal reductions. The "final" price to be paid by the Customer may therefore be affected by these various elements and is indicated before the final validation of the order by the Customer.
Prices take into account the French VAT applicable on the day of the order and any change in the legal VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the price of the products presented on the site, as soon as it comes into force. However, the prices cannot be modified once the Customer has definitively validated his order.

Orders to countries outside the European Union are not subject to French VAT. The price to be taken into account by the Customer is therefore the amount before tax which is indicated at the time of validating the order.

However, these orders are subject to any taxes and customs duties of the country of destination. These costs and the related formalities are the responsibility of the Customer or the recipient. They are to be paid directly to the carrier at the time of delivery.


1. Refusal of an order

The company Poudre Organic reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom there is or appears during the processing of the order, a dispute and, in particular, a payment dispute.

2. Acceptance of the conditions by the Customer

These GTC are available on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR and can also be sent by email on request of the customer.

By checking the box "I accept the general conditions of sale", the customer declares to have read and understood the GCS and to accept them. Consequently, by proceeding to the validation and confirmation of the order, then to the secure payment, he agrees to the sale and to the fact that it is subject to the GSC.

The sale can only be challenged in the cases restrictively provided in the GTC under the paragraph "right of withdrawal".

The purchase by telephone also implies the acceptance of the GTC that the Customer acknowledges having previously read, understood and accepted in the conditions mentioned above.

3. Ordering stage

The Customer can place his order with POUDREORGANIC.FR by internet 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The ordering process consists of 5 successive steps. Once the selection of products made the customer can:

1. Go to the page "See my basket" where he will be asked to validate the desired quantity for each product, to enter a possible promotional code and then to click on "Order".

2. Identify himself either by entering his email address and password which are strictly personal, or by mentioning all the information usually requested for an online registration;

3. Clearly indicate the information required for delivery. This applies in particular to the precise delivery address as well as any accessibility restrictions of the delivery location (building, floor, code, etc.);

4. Indicate the chosen method of delivery;

5. Finally, indicate the chosen method of payment.

Once the method of payment is selected, the customer must proceed to the payment of his order on the secure interface, which will formalize in a firm and final way the sales contract between him and the company Poudre Organic.

The information provided when placing the order is binding on the customer. In case of error in the wording of delivery details, the company Poudre Organic can not be held responsible for the inability to deliver the article (s).

Any order. Any dispute on this point will intervene in the context of a possible exchange and guarantees mentioned below (see withdrawal rights).

In all cases, the online provision of the credit card number and the final validation of the order by the customer mark his acceptance of the price offer for the selected products and are proof of this acceptance.

However, the sale is only definitively formed after confirmation by the company Poudre Organic (see 4. Confirmation of the order).

In addition, the archiving of purchase orders and invoices is made on a reliable and durable medium by the company Poudre Organic sarl and these documents will therefore be considered as proof of orders placed by the customer.

4. Order confirmation

An email is automatically sent to the customer to confirm the order provided that the email address given in the registration form does not contain any error. The e-mail confirming the processing of the order and the sending of the parcel will specify the number of the parcel and the link to the carrier's website for tracking the delivery. The status of the order is also available in the section "My account - History of my orders".

The customer must verify the completeness and compliance of the information he provides to the company Poudre Organic sarl by phone or on the website. The latter can not be held responsible for any input errors and consequences in terms of delay or error of delivery. In this context, all costs incurred for the reshipment will be charged to the Customer.

The company Poudre Organic reserves the right not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever (problem concerning the order received or problem of supply of items, ...).

Upon sending this confirmation, the sale is definitively formed and the full price of the products selected in the order is then immediately payable.

5. Follow-up of the order

The customer can at any time consult the state of his order by consulting the heading "My account" on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR. This follow-up makes it possible to the customer to know the state of treatment of his order, but also the state of forwarding or delivery of his parcels. This last delivery tracking is done in interface with the Internet means of tracking carriers. Poudre Organic can not be held responsible for unavailability or errors that may affect the information provided by its carriers. However, Poudre Organic strives to make this information as clear as possible and to make the transport with its carriers as reliable as possible. The customer can at any time contact the customer service of Poudre Organic to be informed of the status of his order. The customer service answers your emails from Monday to Friday.

6. Payment

It should be remembered that upon confirmation of the order by Poudre Organic, the full price of the items in the order is immediately due.

There are three possible means of payment for the order:

- The bank card (credit card, Visa, Mastercard): when the customer chooses this option, the site POUDREORGANIC.FR ensures a total security of data by means of encryption. In addition, the 3D Secure system can be used. The transmitted information is encrypted by a software and cannot be read during the transport on the network. The transmission is encrypted by software as soon as the lock symbol appears in the browser. Moreover, when the bank details (card number, validity date and cryptogram) are entered, the URL address becomes URL https (the "s" indicating security) and no longer an http address.

- Bank transfer (the bank details of the company Poudre Organic will be indicated on the order form). All costs related to this method of payment are charged to the customer.

- Paypal: the customer must first have opened a Paypal account. On the site POUDREORGANIC.FR, after having validated the contents of the basket, the customer must choose the Paypal option for the payment, then indicate his email address, his password, the amount and the currency. PayPal then acts as an intermediary between the buyer and Poudre Organic and the debit and credit operations are almost instantaneous on the PayPal accounts.

The customer can then verify that the transaction has been completed by logging into their PayPal account.

At no time the customer communicates his banking information to Poudre Organic or to a third party.

The company Poudre Organic sarl reserves the right to suspend any order and any delivery in case of refusal to authorize payment by credit card from the officially accredited bodies or in case of non payment. The company Poudre Organic sarl reserves the right to refuse to make a delivery or to honor an order from a customer who has not paid in full or in part a previous order or with whom a payment dispute is pending.

As part of a procedure for verifying orders to ensure that no one uses the bank details of another person without his knowledge, the customer may be asked to send by fax or email to the company Poudre Organic a copy of an identity card and proof of address. The order will be validated after receipt and verification by our services of the documents sent. If we do not receive these documents within 15 days of placing the order, the latter will be deemed cancelled by right.

7. Invoice

In order to reduce the environmental impact of its activity, Poudre Organic has chosen to reduce as much as possible the systematic use of paper printing: in this context, the invoice is not attached to the package shipped but available in the "My account - History of my orders" of the customer. The company Poudre Organic also keeps an electronic copy of each invoice. It should be noted that the order form that the customer establishes online or the order confirmation sent by email to the customer by Poudre Organic does not act as an invoice.

Transfer of ownership and transfer of risk

The company Poudre Organic remains the owner of the products delivered until their full payment by the customer. The above provisions do not preclude, upon acceptance of the order by the company Poudre Organic, the transfer to the customer of the risks of loss or deterioration of products subject to retention of title and the damage they could cause.


The customer can contact the customer service of POUDREORGANIC.FR to have more information on the conditions of delivery in France or in a specific country in the world.

Orders to countries outside the European Union are not subject to French VAT. However, they are subject to possible taxes and customs fees in the destination country. These costs and related formalities are the responsibility of the customer or recipient. They are to be paid directly to the carrier at the time of delivery.

The customer is also responsible for checking the import possibilities of the ordered products with regard to the law of the country of delivery. We recommend to contact the customs office for more information.

1. Shipping time

The orders placed online via the site POUDREORGANIC.FR are collected every day from Monday to Friday, except public holidays. Upon receipt of the shipment confirmation email, the Customer can take into account the delivery times of the carriers announced below.

An email is automatically sent to the customer at the time of shipment of products provided that the email address given in the registration form does not contain any error.

2. Transport time

Transport times depend on the carrier chosen by the customer and the place of delivery.

Poudre Organic informs customers of the delivery times announced by the chosen carrier. The shipping costs are calculated according to the country of delivery at the time of the basket and are confirmed definitively according to the mode of transport and the delivery destination chosen, before the final validation of the order.

The announced delivery times do not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

3. Means of delivery in metropolitan France

For home deliveries, if the recipient of the package is absent, a notice will be left indicating where and when to pick up the package. This one will be kept in the post office for 15 calendar days. In case of non withdrawal within the time limit set by the carrier, the products will be returned to Poudre Organic which reserves the right to refund the price of the products, the shipping costs remaining at the expense of the Customer.

Depending on the weight of the order, the different means of delivery are :

  • Delivery by Lettre Max (Delay usually observed of 48h)
  • Standard delivery by Colissimo (usually 48 hours)

Means of delivery outside metropolitan France

In Europe and abroad :

- International Colissimo

The costs incurred depend on the country of destination, the weight and the total volume of the items selected. The costs and delivery times are indicated to the customer before the final validation of the order.

Orders to countries outside the European Union are not subject to French VAT. However, they are subject to possible taxes and customs fees in the country of destination. These costs and related formalities are the responsibility of the customer/consignee. They are to be paid directly to the carrier at the time of delivery.

The customer is also responsible for checking whether the products ordered can be imported under the laws of the country of delivery. We recommend to contact the customs office for further information.

4. Packaging

The products are packaged in such a way as to comply with current transport standards and to ensure optimum protection of the products during delivery. The customer is asked to respect these same standards when returning a product, whether it is for after-sales service or for a return for convenience. In case of a return of a product, if it is found that the product is returned damaged due to poor packaging, Poudre Organic may decide to refund only part of the product or refuse to refund it if it is impossible to resell it as is.

5. Gift wrapping

POUDREORGANIC.FR offers its customers a gift wrapping service. A fixed contribution is requested for the gift wrapping service, the amount is clearly indicated in the summary of the basket. The gift wrapping is not refunded in case of return or exchange.

6. Delays in delivery linked to the carrier

For any significant delay, the company Poudre Organic may compensate the customer by means of a commercial gesture that seems appropriate.

In the case of a delay in delivery compared to the time announced by the carriers, the customer must contact the carrier or its distribution office in the case of the Post Office, to see if the package is not pending. If necessary, the customer can contact by phone or email the customer service POUDREORGANIC.FR to open a file of dispute or investigation to make a search for the package.

Lost parcel: The deadlines imposed by the carriers imply that the customer declares the loss within 10 days of receipt of the notice of shipment from Poudre Organic. Under these conditions, Poudre Organic will make the necessary claims to the carrier concerned.

If the parcel is found, it will be sent back to the Client's home immediately. If the parcel is not found, the Customer can then request the return of the same product at the expense of Poudre Organic, or the refund of the amount paid. If the product(s) ordered were no longer available at that time, the amount of the products concerned by the loss of the carrier will be refunded.

Exceeding the delivery time cannot give rise to damages, nor to withholding, nor to cancellation of the order in progress, in case of total or partial strikes, internal or external to the company, blocking of means of transport or supply, governmental or legal restrictions, etc.

7. Damaged packages

The customer must check the condition of the package in front of the carrier and make the necessary reservations on the delivery slip in case of partial or total deterioration. In the absence of reservations, the product is deemed accepted by the customer and can not be subject to any dispute regarding its delivery. The customer must inform the company Poudre Organic by e-mail as soon as possible, so that the latter can take the necessary measures as soon as possible.

Right of withdrawal, return and exchange

The customer has a right of withdrawal of 14 working days from receipt of the order by the customer, to request a refund or exchange of a product, subject to availability. The returned item must be in new, unwashed condition, in its original packaging and with its label.

This right of withdrawal is conditional on the product being returned by the customer, within 14 days of the manifestation of his will to withdraw, in perfect condition and without having been worn or used.

The return is at the customer's expense, including the related customs fees.The return is made at the risk of the customer. It is the customer's responsibility to keep any proof of shipment.

The company Poudre Organic will proceed with the refund of the customer or the sending of another article (in case of exchange) only after receipt of the returned product.

The request for return can be made :

- Either by connecting on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR, in the heading "History of my orders" of My Account: it is enough to check the product and the quantities to be returned, to inform the reason of the return and to validate by clicking on "Validate your request of return". The customer's return request will then be studied and Poudre Organic will send a return authorization number to be affixed on the package, as well as the address where to send the returned items.

- Or by contacting the customer service of Poudre Organic, by the contact form, by email or by phone, which will tell the Customer how to proceed.


In accordance with the legal provisions applicable to the sale, the items sold have the legal guarantee of compliance and the legal guarantee of hidden defects.

In the event of non-conformity of the products delivered or the existence of a hidden defect, the customer has a period of 15 days to assert his rights, starting from the delivery or the date of discovery of the defect.

Any guarantee is excluded in the event that the deterioration of the product is attributable to the customer.

Finally, it is specified that in these cases, the company Poudre Organic will bear the cost of returning the item, reimbursing the customer on presentation of the invoice of the carrier.

Personal data

Visitors or customers of the site POUDREORGANIC.FR have at any time a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them in accordance with Article 34 of the law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978.

When a customer registers or places an order, or in the context of other specific operations, Poudre Organic offers visitors or customers the opportunity to receive its newsletters, promotional offers, and/or to register to be informed of its exclusive sales. The visitor or customer can at any time change his subscription through his personal account, or through the hyperlink at the bottom of the newsletters received by email.

Poudre Organic undertakes to effectively take into account the changes of subscription and unsubscription to commercial emails sent by it as soon as possible according to the necessary processing.

Poudre Organic may also offer its visitors or customers to receive promotional offers from its partners. Poudre Organic may for commercial purposes transmit to commercial partners the identity and contact details of its Users or Customers, only to the extent that they have agreed to the disclosure of their personal data. Users and customers can at any time change their choices on the site POUDREORGANIC.FR.

Poudre Organic uses data collection systems such as cookies. A cookie is a computer file stored on the hard drive of the user's computer. The cookies allow to report a previous visit of the user on the site and to link the user to his personal data left on the site, in particular in the context of the identification of the order basket.

Poudre Organic informs its customers that the processing of this nominative and/or personal information has been declared to the CNIL under number 1751275 of 18 March 2014.

Intellectual property

All content (text, comments, works, illustrations, images, videos, graphics, sound ... including the underlying technologies used) displayed on this site is reserved under copyright and intellectual property and for the world.

As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only the use of this content for private use is authorised, subject to different and even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any other use not authorized by the company Poudre Organic, may constitute an infringement. Any total or partial reproduction of the catalogue of Poudre Organic is strictly forbidden.

Any person with a website wishing to place on its site a simple link directly to the site POUDREORGANIC.FR must request permission from Poudre Organic. An authorization given by Poudre Organic will not constitute an implicit agreement of affiliation and will not be given on a permanent basis. Upon request of the company Poudre Organic, this link must be removed.

Applicable law and disputes

The sales of products of the company Poudre Organic are subject to French law.

With the exception of disputes with a customer who is a merchant, which will then be submitted to the Commercial Court of Auxerre, any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these GTC must be brought before the competent French court according to the rules of common law.

Claims or disputes will always be received with attentive benevolence. In case of dispute, you will address in priority to the company Poudre Organic sarl to obtain an amicable solution, by mail: Poudre Organic SAS 6 bis rue Bocquillot 89200 AVALLON - France or via the contact form in the contact section of the site POUDREORGANIC.FR.